This is a state-subsidized loan which can be obtained for the construction or purchase of a newly built family home or for the purchase and simultaneous expansion/modernization of a pre-owned residential property or for the expansion and modernization of the family’s residential property and is provided to families who are not planning another child and are receiving Rural CSOK support for their existing children.

The amount of the Rural CSOK Loan:

• in the case of two children, a maximum of EUR 25,700 (HUF 10 million);

• for three or more children, a maximum of EUR 38,600 (HUF 15 million).

Since 2024, the Rural CSOK Loan has been primarily available for families who do not plan to have another child; they can apply for this loan in view of their existing children. For families who are planning to have children in the future, the new CSOK Plus housing loan - and the non-refundable Rural CSOK subsidy in small settlements – is available in higher loan amounts.