The degree holder’s child care benefit is a financial benefit provided to support child-rearing, specifically aimed at full-time students of recognized higher education institutions or fresh graduates without work experience.

Eligibility for the degree holder’s child care benefit extends to a mother who meets all of the following conditions:

  • Is not eligible for child care benefit under general rules (for example, due to lack of insurance or less than 365 days of prior insurance within two years preceding the child's birth),
  • Within the two years preceding the birth of the child, she must have completed at least two semesters of full-time studies with active student status at a nationally recognized higher education institution in Hungary, with the exception of programs for foreign nationals conducted in a foreign language, or at a foreign higher education institution while enrolled full-time, provided that she is a Hungarian citizen. It's important to note that only one active student status per semester can be considered.
  • Gives birth to the child during the period of active student status or within one year following the interruption or termination of student status,
  • Raises the child in her own household,
  • Is a Hungarian citizen or a citizen of another EEA member state, and
  • Has a registered residence in Hungary at the time of the child's birth.

A mother receiving degree holder’s child care benefit may also be eligible for the benefit if she gives birth to another child during the period of receiving the benefit or within one year after it ends.

The biological father can be eligible for degree holder’s child care benefit if the mother dies or does not meet any of the aforementioned conditions. In such cases, the biological father must fulfill all eligibility criteria applicable to the mother for the degree holder’s child care benefit.

The amount of the degree holder’s child care benefit is 70% of the minimum wage for those in undergraduate studies, which in 2024 amounts to gross HUF 186,760; and 70% of the guaranteed minimum wage for those in Master's studies, which in 2024 amounts to gross HUF 228,200. The benefit is subject to a 10% pension contribution and 15% personal income tax advance deduction from the gross amount, and family tax benefits can be applied upon request. Mothers under 30 years of age may also qualify for personal income tax exemption.

In addition to the degree holder’s child care benefit, work can be undertaken starting from the 169th day following the child's birth.